Friday, April 5, 2013

The Last 2 months in review

For anyone out there following this blog, I'm sorry I went dark for so long. There's been a lot going on lately. I've moved into a new place. The game I've been working on has grown a life of it's own. I started my own game studio (It feels very pretentious to say that since it's just me) I started writing for Nerd Titan. This coming weekend will make for a third consecutive weekend of gaming conventions. I've also decided to create my own game setting which I have yet to name.

The new place is great. It's a much better size for me and my wife. I get to have an office now complete with cardboard organizers I scrapped together. Lacey, our dog, doesn't mind not having her own yard as long as we leave a blanket around for her to crawl under and sleep. Not much else to say about the move.

Dig Site is doing well. I need to test a few minor changes that I just made and then I'm ready to send a prototype off to the publishers for evaluation. I played with the idea of changing how Artifacts work, but in the end it would be a lot of trouble to change something that didn't need to be fixed. I also played with the idea of setting it in the steam punk world that Bonsai Games created for Ruse (with their permission), but in the end I also decided that the game is better off without trying to layer two themes into it.

The game studio is called Elderhaven Entertainment. like I said earlier I feel very pretentious saying I own a game studio, but I do even if it's just me and my computer. We have a twitter, @elderhavengames and a facebook page /Elderhavenentertainment. Dig Site is going to be the first game Elderhaven will get published hopefully, and I have a few other ideas for future games.

Nerd Titan is a nerd blog site that I've been writing for for a couple of months. I'm not sure how much longer I will be contributing to their site. My schedule has changed recently and I'm not sure how much time I can devote to the posts.

My trio of game conventions started with Game Storm which was march 22-24 then Table Top Day on the 31st and this weekend is Jut a Game Con. Game Storm was amazing 3 days of non-stop gaming. I got introduced to Dragon Dice showed Dig Site a few times, and met some awesome people. For Table Top Day several local geek groups got together and threw a fundraiser for the local Girls and Boys club. We had a great turn out for a first time event and are already planning next years festivities. JAGC is a local bi-yearly convention. I'm super excited about going because I'm about 6 months ahead of my self imposed development schedule for Dig Site. I didn't think I would be able to bring a nice prototype until the JAGC in August.

The Setting I'm planning on putting together is still very nebulous, but I'm going to file it in the genre of Spell-Punk. The idea is to take the time period of steampunk but instead of the mechanical advancement replace mechanical progression with magical. I'm not enough of a history buff to set it in anything like a real world time period, instead it will be an alternative Europeanesque setting.

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